Friday, October 5, 2012

Another Money Saving Idea

Here is a money saving idea that we have been doing for the last couple of months...instead of drying your clothes in the clothes dryer, hang dry them on a line.  Our electric bill has gone down by $15 just by doing this one simple thing.  I have been so excited!  I didn't think it would make that much difference.

  One thing that you will notice is that the towels and jeans are more stiff.  I do like soft towels.  However, I don't like them enough to pay an extra $15/month to dry them in the clothes dryer.

  A couple of thoughts on how to help this problem, if you just can't stand the stiffness--

1. You can try throwing them in the dryer for about 5-10 min.  with a wet wash cloth and a dryer sheet.

2. Take them out before they completely finish the spin cycle and then hang.  The more damp they are, apparently reduces stiffness.

3.  Hang your jeans, pants and shirts upside down.  This seems to lessen the stiffness and it also decreases wrinkles too.  :-)

Also, the more they move while on the a windy day, is supposed to decrease the stiffness, too.

If you're like our family though, we seem to have a constant flow of laundry.  So I can't wait for windy days. The stiff feeling is not a big deal to me.  I'm just trying to get the water off me after all, but you decide what you think.

Another thought about line drying your clothes...It's not as hard on your clothes and it's better for the environment and of course, my favorite part of it,  easier on your pocket book.

I've noticed that while I'm out there hanging the clothes up, I tend to spend my time talking to the Lord.  There's something about being outside in nature that just makes me feel closer to Him....always a good thing.

A friend mentioned a while back about a homemade fabric softener that you spray on while hanging them on the line.  When I get the recipe for that, I'll pass it along.  It's made from hair conditioner.  Sounds interesting, but I haven't tried that yet.

Anyhow,  hope you have a blessed weekend!


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