Monday, November 12, 2012

Free Books

Thank you to all of our military past and present and their families for their service to our country and the sacrifices they have made.   Happy Veteran's Day!

I promised some info on free books the other day so here you go....I love to read!  I love free stuff!  So when Micah told me about a program he had signed up for where you get free books, I thought this sounds too good to be true.  It's not though.  It's free to sign up.  The only requirement is that once you read the book you have to write a review of it and post it.  :-) Don't fret about the reviews either.  There is nothing to them.  You don't have to write it a specific way.  There are no special requirements that you must have in the review.  You just have to put a note at the end that you received the book for free in exchange for writing the review.  They don't care if your review is favorable or not.  You could hate the book and write about that. LOL!

  If you like to read, I definitely suggest checking out these programs.  You even get to pick out which book you receive. There are all varieties of books.  My favorite is Christian Fiction.  Once you've submitted your review to them, then you can sign up to get another free book.  I'm going to sign up myself now that I have my own blog.  (Until now, I've been doing it for Micah's blog.  :-)

Here are the links for the free programs:

I thought I'd post a copy of one of my reviews here to give you an idea of what they're like.  But I want to emphasize there is no right or wrong.  Do your own thing with it.  :-)  Hope you check out this program.  I've gotten several books now and have totally enjoyed it!

This book was Whispers in the Wind by Lauraine Snelling.

Twenty year old Cassie Lockwood has been the star of a Wild West Show since she was very young.  Traveling from place to place with the other people in the show has given her a sense of family, especially after her parents deaths.  The show is all she has, that is until she finds out that it is bankrupt.  Her “uncle” has been managing the money, but failed to mention to anyone that things were not going so well.   His announcement that they were breaking up the show and all going their separate ways was a shock to all.  

Cassie does the only thing she knows to do.  She gathers her belongings and along with two close  friends from the show, Chief, and Micah, sets out to find the valley her father had always talked about.  It had been her father's dream to settle there some day and raise horses.

After many days journeying, and many lessons on how to fend for herself, Cassie and her party arrive in the valley, with animals and wagon and one additional person, Runs Like a Deer, that they picked up along the way, with them.  Imagine her surprise to find a family already living on the land.  Mavis Engstrom, her daughter and two grown sons have been living in the valley for years now and developed the land into a working ranch.  Cassie's arrival creates a difficult situation for Mavis and forces her to uncover some long buried secrets.  Between the distrust from Mavis's eldest son and the tension in town towards Cassie's Indian friends, she's uncertain what she should do.  She learns though, that God has a way of working things out in His timing.  We just have to listen to the Whispers in the Wind for they will guide us each step of the way.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through a book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

I hope you all have a blessed week!


1 comment:

  1. You are the sweetest little blogger I know! I love and adore you! :-)
